What Does It Mean To

To Live Passionately to me simply means to love living life!
To be so deeply moved by the gift of life that you consciously choose to live each moment to its fullest.
It doesn’t mean being happy all the time or carefree neither does it mean always having to be perfect (A big one for me).
Life is full of ups and downs… highs and lows… great success and sometimes even greater disappointments.
Living Passionately means being present in every situation life throws at us and then choosing your own path… paving your own way.
It’s giving up whatever idea someone else has for your life and fearlessly pursuing the life you want for yourself…the life God called you to live!
Letting go of the societal norms that hinder you. Giving your wild heart and fierce determination the opportunity take you to the places you had locked away in your imagination... then having the courage to dream new dreams!
It’s pushing the boundaries of what you can do and soaring high above like eagles.
Jennifer Lee said “Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire!”
I urge you to do just that… Figure out what sets your soul on fire… and fearlessly pursue it!
Live Passionately!

Live Passionately!

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